Books I have read!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Book Review #20: Four Days to Fusion by Lira Brannon

Hey ya'll,
So there are only a few books that I believe can capture dystopian settings very well and Brannon's novel, Four Days to Fusion does just that! I loved how appropriately detailed Four Days to Fusion was. The most entertaining part of this novel for me was being able to imagine this world being ripped apart by alien invaders and a small brave group of teens trying to overcome the dangers being plagued by Earth aka Tellus.

I enjoyed how majority of the main characters were women. The seven sisters reminded me of girl power which is something we as females have been lacking this generation. I loved seeing how united they all were at the beginning when it came down to protecting their older sister Maia.

However, I also felt as if some of the sisters lacked personality. I wished that Brannon had made them more bold or at-least made it to where there were only four sisters. In this case I felt that less is definitely more especially since this novel was sci-fi based.

I really didn't believe Brannon did anything original. There are slight changes to the same old story of humans versus aliens, but it was nothing outrageous to where it made me overwhelmingly shocked. Nevertheless, for those of you that love novels that give you new characters with the same themes then this is for you. Other then that the way the aliens invaded Earth is very unique.

The main character is very relatable. Her name is Seren and she is a princess who is made to forget who and what she really is and so she is brought to Tellus where she is hiding out from galactic enemies that want her dead.

I feel that teens of all ages including young adults would love to read this novel! It's fun, thrilling, and it keeps you filled with suspense. This is a classically good sci-fi novel!

Rating: ****

Have you read this book before? Did you love it as much as I do? Tell me, I want to hear what you have to say!
Until Next Time ;*

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