Books I have read!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Book Review #19 & #20: Journey to Chaos Series by Brian Wilkerson

Hey ya'll,
So as always I promise to tell the truth in my reviews of books that I receive. And the Looming Chaos series really wasn't my cup of tea. I initially did a review of this series and I deleted it shortly after so that I could reread this story along with the second installment to see if it would appeal to me more—It did not.

I believe that both of Wilkerson's novels are truly imaginative! They really immerse you into the fictional world of Tariatla. There were no grammatical errors or anything that didn't allow me to smoothly read both books. However, each of the novels were both lacking passion and the characters were too juvenile which made their tone of voices blend together.

Don't get me wrong this book is very detailed! Maybe I am not mature enough to appreciate the descriptiveness of these novels. However, due to the fact that I am a young adult I tend to like books that are appropriately descriptive, but also give me something to root for and I was missing that element in Wilkerson's series. This book in my opinion lacked heart.

The Journey to Chaos series reminds me of The Hobbit franchise in many ways. However, in the Hobbit franchise I can see the characters emotion because it's on screen, but with the Journey to Chaos series I am left to grasp the characters emotions by what the author is telling me and that's where this series fell short.

I felt like the whole magic element he incorporated was fairly unique. A lot of times authors tend to mimic J.K.Rowling when using magic because they believe that's what all readers want when readers like myself are really just looking for a different stance on magic that is still entertaining.

Though this story surrounded Eric, a man who is tuned back into a teenager, I really found Tasio to be the highlight of my urge to read this franchise. This is definitely the first story where I kind of love everything about it, but at the same time it's as if I have to reread a part of Wilkerson's novels to make sure my love is genuine for this series.

I will most definitely revisit this series later on in 2016, but as for now I will give Wilkerson's novel two different ratings.....

Description & Grammar: *****

Heart & Entertainment: **

P.S. The first book in my opinion is better than the second installment of this series.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think? I want to hear what you have to say!
Until Next Time ;*

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