Books I have read!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

5 Book Covers That Made Me Fall In Love!!!!

Hey ya'll,
So we have all seen book covers that make us feel an array of emotions. Some book covers make us feel scared, excited and sometimes sad. So I have decided to compile a list of five book covers that made me go woah, boom, zowza! Check it out :)

#5. Snow like Ashes By Sara Raasch

I am in love with this book cover! I have never seen something as riveting as this cover is. This book cover literally makes me want to jump in and read the book without even knowing what the novel is about. The publishers I feel did a great job in capturing the attention of their target audience because I am convinced and I haven't even gotten my hands on this book yet.

#4.  Pariah By Casey L. Bond

What I really enjoy about this cover is the element of mystery it has. The way the girl looks out with such darkened eyes make me question the plot of this book. I love any cover that can make me wonder a thousand things at once before reading the novel. This is a quality I believe is hard for any author to acquire. So congrats to Bonds for being able to accomplish that!

#3. Ash on the Stairs By MR Jones

This cover really fascinates me because of how puzzling it seems to be. The stairs alone create this illusion that danger may be lurking around the corner somewhere. While the eye candy placed on the cover seems worried, but courageous. This book is very tempting!

#2. The Heartbeat Thief By A. J. Krafton

Okay, this cover reminds me of a themed American's Next Top Model photo shoot. I feel this cover is stunning and depicts the gothic style of glamour and being fancy! I am in awe of this cover. This is really amazing work.

#1. Laws of Passion By K.M.J.

This is the cover for my upcoming novel, Laws of Passion. I really love this cover because it captures my book perfectly without having too much going on. Also, when readers read my novel they will have a deeper understanding as to why I chose a rose to portray the cover of my book. 
I feel this cover has is sexy, classic, and enticing just by how the picture is placed and the way the font has been subjected across the page.
The perfect example of less being more!

Well, there you have it! Here are the 5 book covers that have made me cringe by just looking at them. If these covers don't aid in you reading their books then I don't know what will. 

So what are your favorite book covers? Do you think there's a book that can knock one of these novels off the list? Tell me! I want to hear what you have to say <3 Until Next Time ;)

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